Optimising Therapy to prevent avoidable hospital admissions in the multimorbid elderly

Clinical Centers


The OPERAM trial is coordinated by Prof. Dr. N. Rodondi, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Four clinical sites are involved in the OPERAM trial:




Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern
Department of General Internal Medicine
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Rodondi
E-mail: operam-Info@insel.ch 



Cork University Hospital
Department of Medicine, Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy, and Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
Dr. Denis O’Mahony
E-mail: denis.omahony@ucc.ie


The Netherlands


University Medical Center Utrecht
Department of Geriatric Medicine and Expertise Centre Pharmacotherapy in Old Persons
Dr. Wilma Knol
E-mail: w.knol@umcutrecht.nl


Ziekenhuis St. Antonius,
Dr. Wilma Knol
E-mail: w.knol@umcutrecht.nl




Université Catholique de Louvain - Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc
Prof. Dr. Anne Spinewine
E-mail: anne.spinewine@uclouvain.be and operam-info-saintluc@uclouvain.be

Clinical Pharmacy Research Group of the Louvain Drug Research Institute
Prof. Dr. Anne Spinewine
E-mail: anne.spinewine@uclouvain.be and operam-info-saintluc@uclouvain.be